Thread: Trivia
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Old 01-14-2010, 05:15 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Staunton, IL
Posts: 943
Default Trivia

Some of you know I have a trivia game on my forum. Let's start a thread here. The rules are simple. It starts with one question. The first reply with the right answer gets the floor for a new question. It continues like that unless, A) the person who has the floor doesn't ask a new question, or B) no one gets the correct answer. In that case, the person with the floor asks a new question. No more than one question on the floor at a time, and discussion/clarification is welcome until the floor is taken over by a new question.

We're not keeping points, just for fun.

Questions must be automotive or racing related.

I'll ask the first question and whoever answers it correctly askes the next, and so on.

Here we go..

First question: In the 1952 Indy 500, what type of fuel was burned in the record-setting pole-position #28 car? Hint: it won pole position by a full 4 mph over the second-place Ferrari
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